Hey, Brendan Jones here from H91 Drum School in Galway City, providing both online and private drum lessons. There are many drum apps available and it’s funny because most of the time when i talk to other drummers and my students here in H91 Drum School about drumming apps, they will only talk about their time keeping device the metronome. But I always urge people especially my drum students to really take advantage of all the great and helpful Apps available IOS and Android, many of which help you in more ways then keeping you in time.

So I’ve put together my top 5 apps for drumming, these will help my drum students and all drummers really, from beginners to advanced on all aspects of drumming.

1. DRUMATE: This is for people who are interested in Rudiments, with this FREE App you’ll not only get the notation of each rudiment, but you can hear it being play at a tempo of your choice. See the video for a demo.

2. PRO METRONOME: The metronome is the most important app you can have and i suggest buying this one called Pro Metronome, It’s very cheap and is pack full of different features including, 13 different tones, Rhythm trainer (very fun/ beneficial), visual aids and a lot more. See video for the demo.

3. MUSIC SPEED CHANGER: This app does what it says on the tin, it will slow down or speed up any track you put on it. You will have to download a track in some way but after that its very easy to use. Very beneficial if you trying to work out what your favourite drummer is doing, or if you still haven’t got something up to speed.

4. DRUM SHEET READING: This is a very fun and interactive App that will help drummers with their sight reading. Sight reading can be a difficult skill for some younger drum students especially those with reading difficulties, but this app helps with that, providing information and games to make it more fun. See video for the demo.

5. DrumAp: This last app helps with sight reading but more so, with developing creativity, and has been a big hit with some students in West Coast Drum School. You can digital create drum fills and beats, hear it back immediately and it’s very easy to use.


I hope this helped, please let me know if it did and if you have any question get in contact with me.

For more of drumming related videos you might think of subscribing to my Youtube channel and connect with me on social media.

Look after yourself and be nice to one another.

Brendan Jones


My Snare Drum Collection


Are you getting your Xymox Pad?