Are you getting your Xymox Pad?

Hey, Brendan Jones here from H91 Drum School in Galway City, let’s have a chat about Xymox Percussion. Now I wouldn’t be in the business of bad mouthing drum companies, especially one that makes a very good premium product like the Xymox custom drum pad i purchased in 2018. But after an obscene amount of negative comments in the review video i did praising the company and the build quality of the Xymox Custom drum pad, i realized how many people were waiting a very long time for their practice pad and not receiving any help from Xymox customer service. You can see the review here and the comments in the video that grabbed my attention.

So after a year of nothing but horror stories down in the comment section, (which i might add there were one or two positive experience displayed) I decided to contact Xymox Percussion directly by email. To be honest at this time I thought people were being a bit hard on the company as my own experience had been a good one with a small delay in delivery. I wanted to hear Xymox Percussions side of the story, to at least give them a chance to defend themselves. In this video you will see the response from the Xymox Customer services representative and it couldn’t be less customer service friendly, even if they tried.

After the most closed mindset email i’ve ever received, as far as i was concerned, that was it for Xymox Percussion drum videos. I tried to get a reason for people, why they had to wait for a year for a pad? and why no one could get there money back? or, why nobody responds at the drum pad companies customer service?. My message was simple “you will get your xymox drum pad, it’s just a matter of when”

But as time went on the comments kept rolling in, and in the last 3-4 month of writing this blog things have gone from bad to worse. Waiting times of up to a year and half, zero replies from customer service, all Xymox social media comment sections turned off. Worse of all, the company take extra money for a speedy production and delivery of a Xymox pads and then not follow through with it, people still waiting a year after, and Xymox refusing to give the money back for the speedy production and delivery. The plot thickens in the last video, all will be explained.

The message is simple. Under the current state of the company DON’T BUY A PAD FROM XYMOX PERCUSSION.

I hope this helped, please let me know if it did and if you have any question get in contact with me.

For more of drumming related videos you might think of subscribing to my Youtube channel and connect with me on social media.

Look after yourself and be nice to one another.

Brendan .


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