Is Drumming Just For Boys…….
Drumming, Girl Drummers, Drum lessons Brendan Jones Drumming, Girl Drummers, Drum lessons Brendan Jones

Is Drumming Just For Boys…….

This is not something new, ever since i started teaching in 2011-2012 there was always talented and enthusiastic girls enquiring about drumming. However, every now and then, I will still get an enquiry from a budding young female drummer (or parents of) asking “Are there many girls drumming?” or “ do you teach Girls?” and the answer is YES, any person can learn to play the drums in H91 Drum School.

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Practice From The Head But Play From The Heart

Practice From The Head But Play From The Heart

This is very much like when people ask “ Will lessons effect the creativity of the musician?” Granted this is always a conversation I have with teens and adult students rather then the kids but its one that really leans to the belief that lesson will interfere with creativity. I obviously think that with lesson from the right teacher, drumming eduction will improve creativity, as it gives the student drummer more tools to make better and more informed musical choices. But I have seen that too much technical and methodical playing can completely ruin a drummers or a bands spontaneity and feel.

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