Drummers Swamp Ass…. The Cure

Hey, Brendan Jones here from H91 Drum School in Galway City, providing both online and private drum coaching. So let's talk about Swamp ass, or as i call it Drummers swamp ass. We've all been there probably more often then not and maybe we never leave there. In this video we will talk about how sweaty it can be when we are drumming and how annoying it is when we are drumming, that the collection of sweat congregates in our nether regions.

Well I've tried a few thing to stop this from being a problem but now I've think I've found the solution to swamp ass, or drummers swamp ass. Ive used Chassis for men for over a year now and I've never been dryer down below when knocking out a few beats. ( and I'm not being sponsored for this video) Its worth try if you have this issue when you are drumming.

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I hope you enjoyed this blog and hope it helped you. Please let me know if it did and if you have any question get in contact with me.

For more drumming related videos you might think of subscribing to my Youtube channel and connect with me on social media. (Brendrum_jones)

Look after yourself and be nice to one another.


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