Hey, Brendan Jones from H91 Drum School in Galway City, providing both online and private drum coaching. A snare Rim shot can be up to 130 Decibels…….. a shotgun is 135 Decibels, how many rim shots do you play??? Today i want to talk about something serious, its a topic not a lot of drummers take serious, but they need to. It’s about hearing protection or the lack of drummers wearing hearing protection.

Make sure you look after your hearing even if you are practicing. The drums are a powerful instrument….. EXAMPLE

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I think it was about 5 years ago i had my hearing check and at that point of my life i was about 15 years playing drums. There was nothing major detected, the Audiologist said that it was “hidden hearing loss” common for people of my age. You struggle to hear or communicate in a loud room like a bar. I was delighted that there was nothing major wrong.

However, i know that there has been damage do to my hearing. As i explain in the video underneath, every now and then i will get a scary belt of Tinnitus. It may last anything from a few seconds or a few minutes to a day or so, longest i had it was one week.

I have it very tame compared to some people, i know some great musicians that had to stop playing music as well as going to shows simply because of how serious their tinnitus was.

You need to protect your hearing to make sure this doesn’t happen to you. Whether it’s the cheap foam earplugs or the more expensive moulded earplugs that i use anything that i mention in the video is better than nothing. TAKE IT SERIOUS ………………….. sorry …………what was that? 🙄 🦻🏻🙉

I hope you enjoyed this blog and hope it helped you. Please let me know if it did and if you have any question get in contact with me.

For more drumming related videos you might think of subscribing to my Youtube channel and connect with me on social media. (Brendrum_jones)

Look after yourself and be nice to one another.




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